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Air Quality

Indoor and outdoor air quality have become top stories in the news recently due to the wildfires we are facing. Indoor Air Quality is an important part of home performance because it affects the health and safety of your family and the longevity of your home. Pollutants and undesirable moisture levels ...

Lead in Toys

What is lead?  Lead is a toxic heavy metal that can cause serious health effects. Acute lead poisoning symptoms can include stomach pain, seizures, and death. Exposure to lead can also result in long-term health impacts, such as: learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, kidney damage, and high blood pressure. There is no ...

July 2020: Recap of our 2019-2020 Fiscal Year

In-Homes Programs: serves low-income, seniors and those experiencing disability with weatherization and repairs to increase resiliency and age in place.Program Highlights: CEP was able to quickly adapt and intervene with emergency supplies for some households during the COVID-19 shutdown and operated as an essential service.Most Proud of From The Program ...