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Report Finds Heavy Metals in Baby Food

Community Energy Project has a Lead Poisoning Prevention workshop, teaching participants about the health effects and common sources of lead exposure, including old household paint, drinking water, and soil.

This workshop:

  • Empowers participants with the basic prevention measures to limit exposure
  • Provides regional resources to help eliminate lead poisoning
  • Learn more about this workshop and other lead workshops HERE

Lead may seem like an aforementioned thought with everything going on BUT with news breaking of heavy metals in baby food recently means folks need to remain diligent. 

Toxic heavy metals endanger infant neurological development and long-term brain function, and can cause permanent decreases in IQ as well as behavioral problems. The Food and Drug Administration has found significant levels of arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury in several baby-specific foods.

Hundreds of samples from various brands and flavors have been tested, and nearly every sample of sweet potato purée and carrot purée baby food contained lead. It was also found that companies had poor testing procedures of their products. 

Many baby food companies test their own products and ingredients, and still use ingredients that test high for heavy metals. HappyBABY brand sold finished baby food products with lead levels up to 641 parts-per-billion. Other companies don’t test at all: Beech-Nut and Earth’s Best Organics do zero testing for mercury while Gerber rarely tests for it.
Despite the dangers, there are no requirements for companies to do complete, regular testing, or for heavy metal warnings to be added to labels. To read more in-depth about this, check out the full investigation report from the House Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy
