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Oregon’s Residential Mega Project

There are a lot of big numbers swirling in the news lately from giant COVID-19 impacts to large stimulus responses to get the economy back on track. Two of the most important big numbers are 50% by 2030 -- those numbers represent the amount of carbon emission reductions we must achieve ...

Energy Trust of Oregon Snapshot

Year in Review At risk of cliche, 2020 was an unprecedented year. Community Energy Project’s operations were disrupted with the transition to remote working due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Energy savings as a result of reduced employees commuting and our office’s vacancy, were far outweighed by the social and economic injustices ...

Prepping Your Home For Winter

Weather takes its toll, impacting a home’s structure and occupants. Wood deteriorates. Water, wind and sun damage roofs. Moisture seeps into basements. Paint and caulk peel. Heating and cooling systems, water heaters and appliances wear out. And snow and ice are especially hard on houses. As a homeowner, you want ...

July 2020: Recap of our 2019-2020 Fiscal Year

In-Homes Programs: serves low-income, seniors and those experiencing disability with weatherization and repairs to increase resiliency and age in place.Program Highlights: CEP was able to quickly adapt and intervene with emergency supplies for some households during the COVID-19 shutdown and operated as an essential service.Most Proud of From The Program ...

Connecting Energy Efficiency & Public Health

Public health doesn’t exist in a bubble, with many factors coming into play beyond just everyday healthcare and accessibility of medical services. One such factor to consider is energy efficiency - and it starts at home. We tend to forget that there's a link between our family's health and our home's ...