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NW Natural Bill Discount Program

Throughout 2022, Community Energy Project has been actively involved in advocating for our clients and working with utility companies to ensure their bill discount programs are equitable, easily accessible, and can make a significant impact in customers’ lives. 

On November 1, 2022, NW Natural launched their Bill Discount Program

Discounts range from 15 – 40% and are available to those with a total household income less than 60% Oregon state median income.

Apply Today, Save Tomorrow

The application process is easy and available to eligible residential NW Natural customers. Eligibility is determined by your household size and the average annual gross income for all members of your household aged 18+ combined (Gross income is your income before taxes). No financial documentation is required to apply. Translation assistance is available.

There are three easy ways to apply for this program.

  1. Apply online here.
  2. Download the PDF application from the NW Natural website and mail it in.
  3. Call customer service at 503.226.4211 or 800.422.4012, or send an email.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Unfortunately, the same day NW Natural launched their bill discount program, they also began a significant rate increase. Starting November 1st, NW Natural bill rates increased by 14% and, after the winter season, bills will spike again for a 25% total increase. The rate hike will be spread out over a year. According to NW Natural, residential customers can expect to see an increase of $14 per month between November 1, 2022 and October 31, 2023. 

While this discount program is a much needed resource for our clients, “So many people are living basically paycheck to paycheck,” says Brian Allbritton, Executive Director of Oregon Energy Fund. “An increase of $14 a month, especially if you’re on a fixed income, makes a huge difference and it puts people in the position of having to make a choice on where they won’t spend money.” 

Cheers for More Tiers!

In June 2022, CEP, Community Action Partnership of Oregon, and NW Energy Coalition  submitted written comments to the Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) asking for NW Natural to provide an additional tier of discounts to mitigate the impending rate increase and to provide relief for those with energy burdens. Following stakeholder feedback, NW Natural added an additional tier to provide a 40% discount for customers that earned 15% or less of state median income.

If you’re looking for additional ways to save on your utility bills, visit our website to learn about our free, educational workshops on weatherization and other helpful topics. No matter what the future holds, CEP will continue to advocate for our clients and provide resources that support the communities we serve and protect the health of the environment. 

We’re here for our people, and our planet.