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Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight

Community Energy Project is proud to provide a variety of direct, in-homes services and educational workshops, and participate in important advocacy work. Behind all of these vital efforts is a team of vibrant, multifaceted, and hardworking individuals. We are excited to introduce the CEP Staff Spotlight, a series dedicated to the people who make everything we do possible. Today’s spotlight shines on CEP’s In-Homes Program Manager, Roc Aiken.

1. Describe your role at CEP and what makes you passionate about your position.

I am an In-Homes Manager at Community Energy Project. Our focus is weatherization, but also includes larger repairs such as roofs, furnaces, water heaters, etc.

2. Describe your work/relevant personal background and how this empowers you at CEP.

I was raised by my grandmother, who made me work for people in our community while growing up in South Carolina. At an early age, I learned the importance of building relationships with people in the community and the importance of building trust.

3. Describe the program/department you run and why it is important to CEP/the community you serve.

The In-Homes team goes directly into people’s homes. We have contractors that take on larger repairs and technicians to complete smaller projects. We often communicate with other non profit organizations and at times refer clients in need.

4. What is a problem that the Portland community faces and how is your team addressing the issue?

I think there’s not enough funding in certain geographical areas of Portland and limiting the aid we can provide. It’s tough when I go to the same addresses in the same district and knowing beforehand I’m not able to take on larger repairs; it’s certainly frustrating.

5. What is your favorite hobby or favorite food?

I absolutely love fried chicken, seafood gumbo, fish and stir fry. My favorite hobbies are fishing, bowling, and playing pool.