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CEP Policy on Electrification

Community Energy Project Policy on Electrification

Executive Summary
Community Energy Project supports policies and programs to promote electrification and decrease the use of direct combustion fuels including oil, propane, wood, and natural gas. In this work, CEP is part of a larger movement toward electrification to decrease carbon emissions and improve air quality.

CEP has worked in residential weatherization, repairs and energy efficiency since 1979, and we continue to be committed to ensuring safe, healthy, and efficient homes,
regardless of income. In 2021, energy efficiency upgrades play a large role in our strategy for improving peoples’ homes and reducing their energy burden. Today
however, experts agree that we must also electrify many of our most energy-intensive activities, including space heating and water heating, if we are to address the dual
challenges of climate change and inequality. New Oregon Legislation has passed in the last five years that mandate independently owned utility companies to have cleaner electricity over the next decade. Over 100% efficiency is possible; It’s impossible with combustion fuels.

Please read the full official stance CEP has taken on electrification.